Part 2 Getting Ready - 2.4 Crafting Considerations

2.4 Crafting Considerations

41. Getting Organized

Have you worked with programmers who are organized and thorough? Have you noticed one thing? They think through, plan and start writing lines of code as if they write a beautiful poem from the first word to the last, and compile it in one go at least 90% of the times.  They have laser focus. They know what they do. They do not depend on any search engine or programming language references.  In addition, their productivity is far higher than that of novice programmers who cannot take anything but a trial-and-error approach to programming.   They are organized and prepared.  They know what they are going to do and how. They choose and use the right tools and techniques. Their speed and accuracy are matchless!

I have worked with star programmers and learned from them.  I have observed them write programs in PL/SQL, JavaScript and Java with ease.  I have paired with them and seen the way our code shaped up from the first character to the last, so swiftly and neatly.

You will find star programmers in every project or organizations. When you find them, collaborate with them and create learning opportunities for novices!


42. Practice to Perform

As programmers, we used to practice and compete. We contested to write the most efficient code that had no errors. The completion was stiff.  More than winning or losing, it helped us realize our capability, learn to solve tough problems and improve.  Learning and practicing as a group was an enabler for us.

In addition, we learned new languages.  In 1996, my team members and I learned Perl 5 by reading through textbooks and solving all programming exercises at the end of all chapters.  We did not leave any stone unturned. That was fun! A positive reinforcement! Later we developed and implemented an application that went production and lived for more than five years.

It is very disheartening to witness self-proclaimed constraints in the form of a standard list of ten or twenty programming exercises or a fixed textbook to complete a programming course in some of the colleges and universities.  You need to do practice a lot more to become a software professional.

Practice. Practice with star programmers. You will perform!


43. Initiate DP

Elbert Hubbard, an American author and philosopher said, “Constant effort and frequent mistakes are the stepping stones of genius.” 

Constant effort is important.  How about frequent mistakes?  They are important too. Let those be new mistakes but not repeated mistakes!  That is what he meant.

DP stands for Defect Prevention.  Initiate DP as early as you can.  You do a mistake. You are aware. You know the side effects of it and the overheads required to correct it.  In addition, you decide not to commit that mistake again and you implement that decision.  That is DP in simple terms.   

Undoubtedly, the most efficient way to produce quality software is to prevent the injection of defects in the first place.

Consolidates a list of frequently encountered code review issues along with additional key issues.   Let your team focus on 20% of the issues that happen 80% of the time as well as critical or trivial issues that could erode customer satisfaction.  Facilitate a team meeting to prepare and finalize this comprehensive checklist - a checklist with approximately 10 to 25 issues that can be composed in 1-page in a readable format.   As a team, agree on preventing these issues.  Print this checklist and posted in each developer’s work place to create a visual effect - ‘The more you see, the more you remember and follow.   Let it be a one pager.  This is because a checklist running into several pages will not create the same visual effect and produce equally good or better results.

We experimented this approach in a project. It worked wonders!  During the initial days, our developers did self-review of their code to ensure defect prevention. That was the learning period.   Gradually, they prevented many of those issues during coding itself!    After a few weeks of development, our team identified new items to be added to the checklist and replaced them with those were no longer needed in our list.   This becomes a monthly routine.

Let me quote Elbert Hubbard once again.  He said, “The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.” 

Bottom line?  Do not fear to make mistakes. Do not fail to prevent them either!


44. Spaghetti, Frustrations and Us!

It starts from nowhere. Initially it feels like a sore throat. Within hours, it is nose block. You lose sleep and develop headache. Sometimes become irritable.  It saps your energy. Within a week, you feel very weak.    Next time when there is a change in weather, you take some precaution. Try to avoid the virus. Yet, you do not have any control. It can hit you again! That is about common cold and virus.

You guessed it or not, let me tell you now. A similar thing happens to software engineering teams.  Knowing that we have adequate control, we fall into the same trap repeatedly. It is not about common cold or virus!  It is about Spaghetti, Frustrations and Us!   What not?

One of my ex-colleagues from a top-5 services company in India called me over phone when I was walking out of a meeting room at work.  That conversation is worth sharing with you.

I return to my desk while catching up with his call over the first thirty seconds. He sets the contest. 
He is distressed because his team has been plagued with this issue. Code quality issue!

He asks, “Which tool do your team members use?”

I think for a moment and say, “Tools are important. Think about a senior citizen going for a medical test and returning home with great results!”

Puzzled, he asks, “What? What do you mean?”

“Think! How can you work with your team in creating healthy, beautiful code? How can that experience help you in using a tool to find only those hard-to-find issues so that it saves your time?”

With disbelief he retorts, “We have engineers who know programming. We train them. What else can we do?”

Obviously, with no time to continue, I accommodate his point of view and say,’ “Yeah. I know. “

With some concluding remarks, the call ended. It was not over.  He was going to call me again in a week or two.

He called again. We had a long conversation on how to avoid code quality issues.

Spaghetti code is not created in a day or a week. It is the result of several weeks of inattention to code quality. It is a mess! It happens again and again!   It will continue to happen unless we change the way we do programming. I will continue to surface unless we change the way we inculcate programming practices.

What can we do to improve? We have to make ourselves and our team members see, understand, analyze and practice.    We have to self-review and set the bar high.   We have to declare that any piece of code meant for peer review will be of certain standard! Here are some tips.

  1. Paste a sheet of good quality code at workplace – preferably at the desk of every novice programmer. Introduce a new sheet every month.
  2. Send email flyers with code snippets to illustrate what is good and what is not.
  3. Start every meeting with a two-slide presentation to show and discuss code quality violations.
  4. Send a page full of bad quality code to team members and ask for their comments. One who finds as many valid issues is your shining star!
  5. Induct new engineers with a one-hour peer review or pair programming per day during the first ten days.
  6. Provide a repository of spotless code to fresh graduate engineers.  Keep this repository updated and relevant.
  7. Practice self-review and prevent mistakes.  Let the self-review checklist have not more than twenty-five specific and measurable items. Let the team make the checklist, implement it and keep it live.
  8. Learn from peer reviews.
  9. Use a static analysis tool. You will be happy to see a low number of good quality issues and learn from them.   It will no longer be a long list of issues and false positives.
  10. Collaborate with customer. Let the customer understand all the groundwork you have done to improve code quality.   Review with customer expert. Prevent recurring issues.

Form a team of two or three engineers. That is your team of code quality champions. Let them drive this initiative.


45. Attitude Drives Quality

The attitude of our team members drives the quality of what we deliver. This holds good for everyone including those want to invest in creating software, business owners who intend to build systems with the help of IT teams and IT teams who create, test and maintain systems.

The way we communicate and act reflects our attitude. Which ones of the following do you prefer? Isn’t it easy to identify and choose attitudes that lead to high quality deliverables?

“Bugs or defects are inevitable. We will fix them when we find them.”  OR “Striving to write bug-free code is essential to improve deliver a high-quality product.”?

“My code compiles. My work is over.” OR “I need to test it and fix bugs early, if any. My work is not over yet.”?

“Refactoring is going to take too much time. It is not in our scope.” OR “We need to refactor it now than later to optimize efforts.”

“When you report a problem, bring one or two solutions too!” OR “That is a valid problem. Thanks for bringing it up. Let us solve it!”

“My tasks are done. I am leaving now.” OR “Let me help Sam. He seems to have stuck with an issue.”

“Why should we ask the customer? This is working and seems to be sufficient.” OR “Why don’t we ask our customer and validate our understanding? We are not sure about it!”

This is one key factor that differentiates organizations that produces excellent products and deliverables from the rest!


46. Integrate Early and Frequently

This happened sometime in 2001.  My family wanted custom-made furniture in our new apartment.  We shortlisted an agency to do the work.  The approach they followed was very interesting.  Two of the senior experts involved in the work did not stop at taking measurements and coming up with designs. They worked closely with their team.  At regular intervals, they made sure that all the parts fit into the whole.  They made sure that the doors, the shelves and all other individual parts fit well together.  This is because their work was about creating custom-made furniture.

In IT industry, no two projects are the same.  Once, with a team of fifteen engineers we developed a product. We wanted to program the top twenty key features in eight weeks. At the end of eight weeks, we planned to integrate all the source code and initiate testing so that we will have tested features ready for demonstration.  That was our initial plan.   Our first attempt to integrate the code took us more than five working days! We worked more than 15 hours on all those five days. That was painful.

The ordeal project teams go through in integrating or putting together all the source code written by team members over several months is as good as a nightmare!

There is a solution to this issue. Create an automated build script. Start with daily integration and move onto frequent integrations per day. This practice is known as continuous integration.  When you step up from continuous integration and deploy code in production seamlessly, you do what is known as continuous deployment or continuous delivery.

Do you know? Several software systems we use in our daily lives, including Facebook are deployed frequently. That is an efficient way to deliver new features, and bug fixes to end users!


47. Who Injects Quality?

‘It is the testing team.  We did not do enough testing. Our quality assurance practices were weak.’ This is what we hear when buggy products result in customer complaints. 

Who injects quality?  When this topic came up at a conference, someone argued, “Well. The testing team or your quality assurance group – however, you call them, need to stop or raise the red flag when a product is buggy!  In spite of this simple truth, why do we see some disasters time and again?”

Good question. I agree. We must raise and respect red flags.

Let me rephrase my question.  Who can potential inject bugs in software?  It is obvious! Anyone and everyone involved can inject bugs.  This makes it clear that everyone in the team is responsible to put quality into the product.  Is there anyone who is not?


48. Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship

Robert Martin, one of the 17 founders of Agile Manifesto is also one among the leaders who initiated ‘Software Craftsmanship’ movement during 2009 in order to emphasize on the importance of product quality.  Here is what he said in this manifesto.

As aspiring Software Craftsmen, we are raising the bar of professional software development by practicing it and helping others learn the craft. Through this work we have come to value
Not only working software but also well-crafted software
Not only responding to change but also steadily adding value
Not only individuals and interactions but also a community of professionals
Not only customer collaboration but also productive partnerships
That is, in pursuit of the items on the left we have found the items on the right to be indispensable.

Whenever I read Software Craftsmanship manifesto, I am able to see the focus on quality along the following four critical dimensions.

Product Quality - ‘Not only working software, but also well-crafted software’ provides a clear-cut direction on product quality in terms of architecture, design and code quality.  It goes beyond those to cover several aspects of product quality that are necessary for any product to be valued as well crafted by end-users as well as maintainers.

Business Quality - ‘Not only responding to change, but also steadily adding value’ is all about delivering business value.   The quality of how a project team steadily adds value by delivering the most valuable features on time with quality is more important than responding to change and establishing a comfort factor.  This approach values the budget approved by project sponsors.  This is what I call as delivering business quality.

Professional Quality - ‘Not only individuals and interactions, but also community of professionals’ summons the need to build the culture of knowledge communities or communities of professionals.   When we limit ourselves to ‘individuals and interactions’ we tend to limit our contributions as well as learning opportunities.  When we become part of knowledge communities, we open up immense opportunities for sharing as well as learning.  Sharing and learning are very critical to improve professional quality.

Engagement Quality - ‘Not only customer collaboration, but also productive partnerships’ enables us think in terms of engagement or relationship quality.  Customer collaboration cannot be confined to ensuring success at project level.  It has to be extended further to cultivate productive partnerships. That is the way to ensure engagement quality.

Do you belong to this community? You know SOLID principles. Do you know programming principles? When I interviewed a random set of developers, I found that almost 50% of them are unaware of programming principles. Search and learn. Alternatively, get in touch with one of your experts!


49. Reusability and Half-life

A library of reusable components is one among the strategic engineering assets of any successful organization in IT industry.   Such a library of reusable components contributes not only to productivity during coding and maintenance phases but also to product quality throughout the life cycle of any software product.

Several years ago, I was leading the Software Reuse initiative of my team and we had setup a portal called ‘Reusability Center’ that served as a central component library for the entire organization.    During those days, we had prepared a checklist to verify if a component is ready in all aspects to be a part of our library.  We had a set of senior technical leaders who used to handhold and coach young engineers in creating reusable components.   With all these, our initiative survived for a few years and stalled after a major organizational restructuring.

Obviously, the level of motivation and confidence in identifying, promoting and accepting reusable components is different at different ecosystems.   Organizational culture, leadership commitment, team size, geographic spread and technical maturity are some of the key factors that make or break reusability related initiatives.  That is why any initiative on creating a library of reusable components becomes an uphill task in organizations.

Read my article ‘Reusability, usability and flexibility’ published by EE Times on the importance of usability and flexibility when you want to promote reusability.

Here I am going to share one more phenomenon related to reuse.

We learned about Isotopes in or school days. Isotopes are different forms a single element as they have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons.  Half-life is a well-known characteristic of radioactive isotopes.  In simple terms, it is the time take for a radioactive isotope to lose half of its radioactivity.

Just as radioactive isotopes have half-lives, the languages, tools and utilities we use in our work life come with have half-lives too.  A certain version of your language hits its half-life as soon as there is news about the next version. A few months after the release of its next version, there is a firm indication that the earlier version is going to end its life.   This means that you need to understand this phenomenon and upgrade your reusable components – if you want them to live longer.  Also, this means that you need to capitalize on your idea of creating a reusable component well before the half-life of the languages, tools and utilities you are considering.   Else, who is going to use your reusable component?

To sum up, let us understand two facts. One, reusability is beneficial – it improves productivity and quality, it improves elegance and it reduces maintenance overheads. Two, understand the half-life phenomenon - create and release reusable components swiftly and maintain them to extend their life.
Finally, be consistent and persistent when you make it a strategic initiative.


50. Learning from IBM San Francisco

During late 90s, the term ‘object-oriented frameworks’ was a big time buzz among the corporates and academia.  A team of engineers at IBM started working on IBM San Francisco Project in 1995 and released the initial version in August 1997.  The goal of this project was to develop a business framework that can support distributed applications. Dr. Dobb’s Journal reported this as the largest single Java development program in existence because it was developed over three years with more than two hundred developers.

This project, in my opinion was the foundation for several other frameworks that became popular in the industry.  The design concepts, patterns and principles of IBM San Francisco framework, inspired several teams to come up with new frameworks. Spring framework is a very good and popular example here.

What happened to IBM San Francisco project? Sometime in 2000, IBM decided to cut its investment in this project.  Reports and discussions on the Internet attribute the fate of this framework to customer adoption, flexibility, customizability and so on.  Some analysts wondered if this framework would have worked well in today’s world of technologies.

In our industry, there are several moving parts. Every part has a half-life period. Products and frameworks come and go. Winners emerge!

Jim Barksdale joined as President and CEO of Netscape in 1994.  He used to say, ‘In a fight between a bear and an alligator, it is the terrain which determines who wins.’

Understand your terrain and become a master to deliver! You will succeed!


2.3 Creating Blue Prints                            Table of Contents                             3.1 Orchestrating 


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